Digital Literacy Resource

Everyone in this country should learn how to program because it teaches you how to think

Steve Jobs

Te Pae Here offers various resources that can be reserved for use with your class. If you wish to use a resource kit, please follow the instructions provided below.

Booking Guidelines:

The items will be delivered to your school on the Friday before the week you have booked, and they will be collected on the Thursday of the booked week. For instance, if you book for week 5, you will receive the kit on the Friday of week 4, and it will be picked up on the Thursday of week 5. This arrangement ensures you have sufficient time to familiarize yourself with the tool before using it in class. It also allows us to ensure that the kit is ready for the next group.

To ensure timely preparation and delivery of resources, please make your booking at least a couple of weeks in advance.

To book a kit, please send an email to 

In the email, specify your school, the desired kit for booking, and the week you wish to make the reservation for.

Refer to the table below for available slots. Bookings will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis, and we will make every effort to keep the table below updated.

We are also available to provide support with these tools, should you require any assistance.

Booking Sheet T4 2023

Makey Makey

Lego Prime

Lego Mindstorm

Bee Bots

